48 hours of game development : GameJamUA

Wow, what an intense experience, that is my impression after 48h of game development in GameJamUA contest, at the centre of Alicante, after meeting a lot of awesome people and after sleeping less than 10 hours in one weekend.

Certainly, I have learnt that there are great game developers in Spain, an unsupported emerging industry that is screaming loud for being listened.

It's incredible how you can meet people that have only developed a few demos, working successfully with big design tools (3d max, Maya,...) , rigging, animating and so on. The Spanish game developers are hungry of opportunities and this is a great example.

Just to give you some context, find below the basic rules of the contest:
  • From 18:30 of Friday, to 18:30 of Sunday
  • You could only work in place (Centro 14) , work from your home is prohibited, so the best option is to sleep there or stay awake :).
  • Groups of maximum 3 members 
  • All the content should be done by you or royalty free.
  • There is a main theme, that it's selected randomly at the start of the contest.

Basically, that was it, all the other rules are almost irrelevant.

About my game

The theme selected for this contest was: Mechs

I admit that I went there with the idea of developing a game highly portable to mobile devices so I just wanted to use just one button (a basic touch). With this in mind, I designed a concept of a FPS 'on rails' where you are driven through a city inside your mech, shooting enemies to stop an invasion (or whatever story you want to imagine).

I leave the first concept sketch below:

I don't really have any screenshot of the development process instead I recorded a timelapse. The following video shows all the development, and the final result.

I have nothing more to say, It was fun, nice people and great developers. I have learnt a lot of Unity3D in only two days. Will be an upgraded version of this game my next Google Play launch? who knows...

Bye ;)